I grew up in a household where my Salvadoran mother was a housewife and seamstress and my American father owned a men's clothing store.
However, my mother's heritage was unfortunately concealed due to the intolerance towards immigrants. As a result, I spent much of my life disconnected from that part of my identity, until recently when I began to reckon with my own heritage and the consequence of my mother's experiences.
My 2023 series is a recognition of my mother's history, her Salvadoran birthright and my own bi-cultural narrative. Through my work, I explore the complex interplay between identity and materials . Using crochet to capture the vibrant colors of the materials my mother worked with, this adorning medium has granted me permission to acknowledge my family's cultural history.
“Respectable Burden of Silence”
“Respectable Burden of Silence No. 4”. 56 x 80 inches. Yarn, safety pins, cord, velvet, vinyl, tape, twine, fabric, canvas.
"Respectable Burden of Silence No.2". 49 x 80 inches. Yarn, faux leather, chains, pom- pom, safety pins, corduroy, velvet, canvas
“Respectable Burden of Silence No. 3”. 56 x 80 inches. Yarn, safety pins, cord, velvet, vinyl, tape, twine, fringe, fabric, canvas.
"Respectable Burden of Silence No.1". 56 x 90 inches. Yarn, safety pins, acrylic paint, canvas
"Respectable Burden of Silence” No. 5. 56 x 85 inches. Yarn, safety pins, cord, fabric, 3D paint, acrylic paint, canvas.
"Respectable Burden of Silence” No. 6. 56 x 85 inches. Yarn, safety pins, cord, fabric, acrylic paint, canvas.
"Respectable Burden of Silence” No. 7 (Maybe they will take. you). 56 x 85 inches. Yarn, safety pins, fabric, string ballet lights, acrylic paint, boa, canvas.
“Yarn Balls”
As part of this series, working on large canvases covered in fabric, paint, yarn and other embellishments, the remnants from theses works were used to create this sequence of yarn balls, which also became a metaphor for honoring the unused and the unseen.
"Yarn Ball 1". Yarn, faux fur, twine, safety pins.
"Yarn Ball 2". Yarn, faux fur, twine, paint, safety pins.
"Yarn Ball 3". Yarn, faux fur, twine, fabric, safety pins.
"Yarn Ball 4". Yarn, faux fur, twine, fabric, safety pins.
"Yarn Ball 5". Yarn, faux fur, twine, safety pins.
"Yarn Ball 6". Yarn, faux fur, twine, safety pins.